Tuesday, May 26, 2015

April Daily Coordinate Review // The good, the bad, and the ugly

I did the "thing" and completed a daily coordinate monthly challenge for April. Each day, I put together coordinates and posted them to Instagram. At first, the process was pretty methodical. I selected a main item and built around it. Then it become more exciting and fun as I  put together new combinations and experimenting with strange ones. Later, the challenge became one that were both inspiring and cathartic.

This challenge made me see my wardrobe for what it was and what it could be. I have a capsule Lolita wardrobe, it's small but practical. Given my current Lolita lifestyle, I don't go on many meets and I have to budget my money for other expenses and hobbies.  So my wardrobe reflects this balance. What was most interesting during this challenge is that it made me a more efficient Lolita. At the end of the month, I had coordinates constructed with pieces that I would never imagine pairing that worked so well but I had a few that I no longer liked and wanted to sell.

The challenge gave me a fresh start and the focus towards an esthetic that I could love and build a wardrobe around. I started out as a Sweet Lolita, but, as you will soon see, I leaned more on the classic side. As much as I love Gothic Lolita style, I realized it's not for me. Still I tried working with the few Gothic pieces I had, but I began to get disinterested, bored, and generally uncomfortable with the coordinates. 

Time to step on out and go through 30 days of beautiful outfits and some mulligans.
April 2015 Coordinate challenge, starring my dress form Alice Milky Kawaii Fawn Pastel Angel Smith Martinez the 3rd.


Now for the ultimate experiment.
It looked pretty without flash, but with it, it's an eyesore.
It's hideous, hence the sticker of the bear that appears to be pooping.
*This is an example of "flash awareness" - take a picture of your coordinates with flash turned on to see how it photographs. It may look lovely in natural light but with flash, it's honestly, awful. 

Which one of these coordinates are your favorites?
What should I have done differently for some?

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