Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ladies of Middle-Earth inspired coordinates!

I've been inspired by my interests recently to create coordinates that reflect that character, fandom, and my love for Lolita fashion.  The next posts are going to be coordinate inspired as I have many ideas to work out and share with my readers! Though, in between those posts I will try to get into other topics so it doesn't get too repetitive.

This first post is all about the beautiful and badass women of Middle-Earth as portrayed in Peter Jackson's, Lord of the Rings trilogy. If you've read the books and saw the films than you may be familiar with these ladies and their character history, if not I have add a link to their LOTR wikia pages next to their name.

A reminder that these are Lolita inspired coordinates not an exact likeness to the costumes. So where the hairdresses may look out of place for medieval, fantasy costume they work very well for a complete Lolita coordinate. This also applies to handbags which were purposely left out.

The Etsy items are examples of what I wanted to add as accessories. They are more "guidelines" to items that I would suggest. I say this because if you're interested in completing the outfit with any of the recommended Etsy items, there is a chance that they could be out-of-stock or not made anymore.

Arwen [Wikia Link]

"Blood Red" gown
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright : Juliette Blouse- Red
BTSSB: Velveteen Marie Sophie jumperskirt - Black
Etsy Necklace
Etsy hair band
-Black patterned or opaque tights/stockings
-gold sheer tights - I think that look very pretty and regal!
Bodyline: shoes269

Eowyn [Wikia Link]
 "Shield Maiden"
Pearsonsrenaissanceshoppe - Peasant blouse
Pearsonsrenaissanceshoppe - Bodice
Innocent World Leila Bustier *alternative
IW Detachable Hem Flare Skirt
BTSSB Ribbon Quartet shoes
A sword
White patterned tights *floral, lace*
IW Rosebud Round Headbow

Galadriel [Wikia Link]
"White gown"
IW Glitter Seraphim JSK - Beige Long
IW Headdress with cameos
IW Elisabeth blouse
Tights: *not shown
Bodyline Shoes256
The next post will feature the men of the LOTR trilogy: Aragon, Legolas, Boromir, Elrond, Faramir,  Eomer, Gandalf the white, and the Witch King/Nazgul. It's a long list of names so expect that post to come in a few days as it will take me some time to research and gather the items. The four hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin shall be a separate post to balance out everything. As I think the post will be a bit bloated to begin with.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year !
Wishing all my readers and followers a happy and healthy 2013!

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